Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top Blogs / Bloggers to Follow - (Blogmas)

Whilst I'm new to blogging, I have been following blogs for some time now. Some blogs I'll read for a few months and then not visit for some time, and others I'm hooked consistently by their beautiful pictures and interesting content. So for my Blogmas post today I've decided to reveal my Top 3 Bloggers/Blogs that I follow and also a fourth new blog that I discovered earlier this week which I think I'll be following for some time!
(Links to each Blogger will be at the bottom of each profile).


1. Kandee Johnson - Author of KandeeJ & KandeeLand.
Kandee Johnson
(Image from kandeej.com)
I've been following Kandee for a long time now. Not only does Kandee blog, she also vlogs and does youtube tutorials. She is a beautiful ray-of-sunshine with her bubbly nature and strong morals. The mother of 4 gorgeous children, Kandee often talks about her experiences of motherhood and allows us a sneak peek into her family life. A qualified make-up artist, Kandee shares her 'tricks of the trade' and her advice is most definitely some that I value and respect.

If you want to learn how to do beautiful make-up, or purely just want your mood lifted by her intoxicating positivity, follow Kandee Johnson!

KandeeJ - http://www.kandeej.com/
KandeeLand - http://kandeelandkandeeland.blogspot.co.uk/
Bloglovin - https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/2686492
Twitter - @kandeejohnson
Instagram - @kandeejohnson

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kandeethemakeupartist

2. Anna Saccone - Author of The Style Diet.
Anna Saccone
(Image from annasaccone.com)
An Irish-Italian beauty and make-up artist, Anna Saccone's blog started as a Style & Fashion blog but has developed into a lifestyle blog following her engagement and marriage to Johnathan Joly, her daughter, Emilia, and her current pregnancy. Anna still shares fashion, beauty and hair advice and frequently shares her 'outfit of the day'. As a family, the SacconeJoly's have a youtube channel upon which they upload daily episodes of their life as a young family living in Ireland. 

If you want to watch a young family's daily life, or want to learn some make-up and style tips, Anna's blog and youtube channel are definitely worth looking up!

The Style Diet / Anna Saccone - http://www.annasaccone.com
Bloglovin - https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/1347768
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/LeFloofTV?feature=g-high-crv
Instagram - @annasaccone
Twitter - @AnnaSaccone
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheStyleDiet

3. Caroline Eriksen - Author of the Fotball Frue (The Footballer's Wife).

Caroline Eriksen
(Image from fotballfrue.no)
A Norweigen blog which can be translated into English at a click of a button. Caroline has the most beautiful professional photos constantly being uploaded onto her blog. From her Wedding Day to every day style, her photographs are stunning and are a real treat for the eyes. Caroline gave birth to her 1st child, a daughter named Nelia, only a few weeks ago, but she is already back to looking like a supermodel. 

If you want to look at a beautiful collection of professional photographs, or want to follow a young family's day-to-day, Caroline's blog is for you.

Caroline's blog - http://fotballfrue.no/
Bloglovin - https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/751799
Instagram - @fotballfrue
Twitter - @Fotballfrue
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fotballfrue.no

4. MaKenzie Dixon - Author of OneMonthOneWeek
MaKenzie Dixon (to-be)
(Image from onemonthoneweek.blogspot.com)
This week I discovered MaKenzie's blog after scrolling through Instagram. Whilst her blog is fairly new (just like mine) I think she is 'one-to-watch'. Beautiful and photogenic, scrolling through Kenzie's IG is an experience of pure envy and inspiration. With lots of references to her sweet little dog and life with her soon-to-be husband, I can see her blog becoming a popular lifestyle page.

So if you want to support another new blogger and see a relationship transition from engagement to newlyweds, be sure to click on the links to Kenzie's pages!

MaKenzie's blog - http://onemonthoneweek.blogspot.co.uk/
Bloglovin - https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11294341
Instagram - @kenzieclairebear
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kenzie.c.hardy

So there you have it! It's always fun to discover new blogs and bloggers, and I hope I've inspired a few people to check out my favourites. I may repeat this article in the future to see whether I have any new additions, so be sure to follow my blog!

Do you have any favourite blogs? Comment the links in the comment box below and I'll be sure to check them out :)

Love & Kisses,

Vicki xoxo


  1. These blogs are amazing, Great Picks!


  2. love Caroline's fall look!

    Want to follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin and Twitter? If you do, let me know when you're following and I'll follow right back! x




  3. Loved the post! I will check out these blogs, thanks to you! :D


  4. Thank you, Paige :) xoxo

  5. Thanks Riley :) You should, they are really lovely women xoxo
