Sunday, December 08, 2013

Lazy Weekend - (Blogmas)

I've had a lazy weekend and am currently snuggled up on the sofa at my Dad's house with him, my Sister and my dogs. I didn't write a Blogmas post yesterday because Andy has been working so much lately and last night was his only night off so we decided to have a cosy night in together. When he got home we went straight out to buy a Christmas Tree for our 2nd Christmas together. The tree is small (about waist height) but perfect for our little set-up. We will be decorating our tree tomorrow (so make sure you check back to have a look how we got on)! Later we watched 'A Haunted House', which we both agreed was funny and crap at the same time! 
Little picture summary of my Lazy Weekend.
Our little tree is up! We have left it undecorated for 24hrs to allow the branches to 'fall' after being all squished together in the netting that real xmas trees come in. I think it will look lovely once we've decorated it tomorrow!

This morning Andy went to the local (amazing) bakery and picked us up some fresh bread rolls (very German ;) ) for our breakfast. At midday he was off to work at the Recording Studio again so I left for my Dad's house in a nearby village. After helping him to do some chores (ZzzZzz!), we met my Sister for a Sunday Roast Dinner (lunch). Totally stuffed and our food-cravings diminished, we popped into Sainbury's to get my Dad a onesie! Yes! My DAD a onesie! Love it! 
 Bambi & I.
Rio & I.
Apart from cuddling with my two pups, I haven't really done much else today which is actually really nice :) Have you had a nice weekend - what did you get up to?

Love & Kisses,

Vicki xoxo


  1. LOVE your doggie!
    Keep blogging!

  2. Thank you! :) xoxo
