1. Preparation!
- Know what you need to wear and lay out your outfit the night before.
- Ask whether you need to bring anything (i.e. laptop, packed lunch etc) and make sure everything is prepared and ready the night before.
- Find out where your job is, how to get to it and how long it will take you. Remember to try to be a little early!
- Fill your car with petrol or buy your train ticket / bus pass the day before.
- Make sure you have a drinks bottle for water. It's important to stay hydrated and drinking helps to prevent dry-mouth when you're nervous.
- Make sure you have change in your purse for the car park, vending machine, or just in case.
- Make a checklist of everything you need and everything you need to do, Lists help to clear your mind and keep you on track.
2. The night before ...
- Try to relax! (easier said than done, I know!)
- Keep yourself occupied to avoid intrusive thoughts and anxiety.
- Have a nice, hot bath, or paint your nails. Pampering can help you to relax, but also makes you feel and look good.
- Eat a filling and nutritious evening meal. You probably will be too nervous for breakfast in the morning so you need to make sure you eat well the night before.
- Set a few alarms. I always set 2 or 3 alarms to make sure I definitely wake up when I'm supposed to do something important the next morning. Leave enough time for you to get ready in the morning at a relaxed pace so that you are not stressed or rushed.
3. The first day ...
- Get ready to some relaxing music and a good radio station.
- Drink lots of water and try to have even just a little nibble of breakfast.
- Make yourself feel and look good! Make-up and perfume can boost your confidence.
- On the journey sing to the radio to distract yourself.
- It's your first day - they expect you to be nervous! No one expects you to be an expert on your first day of a new job!!
- Smile and say 'hello' to everyone you come across at work.
- Be polite, approachable and listen to everything that is said to you (even if you don't even remember half of it).
- Ask lots of questions. Don't be afraid to ask about something if you don't understand.
- Remember your manners. Manners go a long way, so remember to say 'please', 'thank you' and 'pardon'.
Those are the only points I can think of right now! I'm sure I've forgotten lots that I was thinking of including! Do you have any tips or tricks on how to make a first day less daunting?
Love & Kisses,
Vicki xoxo